Met him at what I termed the “Billionaire Boys Club”, a gathering I was invited to, for elite businessmen, or should I say, obscenely powerful and wealthy men.
One of My long time, real time submissive men (successful alpha businessman by day, My submissive pet in private) was invited, and wanted Me to accompany him. I agreed to go, since he’d been an exceptionally good boi, and, I thought it might be interesting.
When I go to gatherings and social events that are comprised primarily of men, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel for Me, and this was no exception. Discussing business is one of My favorite topics, so it held promise. Men are not only attracted to My exceptional good looks, but when they discover I also have a clever mind for business, they are in awe. What could be better than a drop dead gorgeous woman who also understands their world?
I also love working rooms full of men with money. The art of seduction is lost on 99% of women, but not Me. I know how to enter a room, and captivate. Again, this was no exception.
By the end of the evening, I had met several potential new, real time submissive men, and several possible lovers. I know how to spot a man who is an alpha male in public, submissive in private, and which men are alpha through and through. I’ve also always been highly selective of each group, lovers and RT (real time) submissive men.
One gent in particular caught My eye as a potential new lover. Incredibly good looking, but not terribly egotistical. Rich, to say the least, and reminded Me very much of the TV character Donald Draper from the series Mad Men. Suave, cool, and undoubtedly very, very good in bed.
I know how to play the game of seduction. So I played it, much like a musician plays a stradivarius or a guarnerius violin, and as always, played it to the hilt. Over the past few weeks, I had new potential lover nipping at My bait, then taking it whole in his mouth, until the hook was set. He wanted, Me, and badly.
I do believe he wanted Me more than almost anything he has ever had in his life. I love that. Seducing men, making them want Me, manipulating them, to be happily wrapped around My little finger.
I suppose it’s My predatory nature. I can’t help it. It’s who I am.
I allowed him to take Me on several dates before I decided to be with him intimately. I’m sure, that every other women he’s ever gone out with, threw herself at this handsome wealthy man. But not Me. I know My value and My worth, and I know how to make a man want Me more than he’s ever wanted anything before in his life.
And when I finally decided to allow him to do more than “date” Me, it was incendiary. Best I’ve had, well, since My last lover. Details? You’ll have to call Me for details. I know My cuckolds are hard by now, and the rest of you submissive men, jealous you can never be with Me like a real man can be. If I deem you submissive, that’s the role you take forever in My life. And I don’t fuck My submissive men. Ever. That’s what My lovers are for.
As for My current lover, he’s caught wind that I am seeing someone new. I wrote a blog post about how My lover, or bulls, fall in love with Me. It’s strange. Confirmed bachelors, men who have no desire to live with or marry a woman, will fall in love with Me, and want to marry Me. They want to possess Me, because I will never be possessed, I suppose.
Current, or more technically, the lover I’ve been seeing the last year or two, is starting to act more anxious, more… Needy. That’s a trait I see in submissive men. Perhaps it can be said, I turn My alpha male lovers into submissive men. It happens all the time. Which is why I move on to new lovers. Maybe I’ll make My current lover My latest submissive pet, and have My new lover be My real man. What do you think?
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