I was asked to answer a series of questions, to be posted on a soon to be launched elite Domination website highlighting the worlds most truly powerful Dominas. Below is the interview.
1. I’m so excited to finally be interviewing the magnificent Sabina Erotica! Please introduce yourself: Who are you, and what do you do?
I am Mistress Sabina Erotica, lifestyle Dominatrix, Dominant woman, certified BDSM, fetish, lifestyle educator/counselor, specializing in Financial Domination addictions (the original FinDom Therapist), and male Domination, Financial Domination Queen, elite of the elite, and blackmail specialist.
2. When did you know you wanted to be a Mistress/Dominatrix?
I learned when I was very young, there were two different kinds of men: The alpha/assertive, and the submissive/servile. The submissive ones wanted to carry My books home from school, do My chores and run My errands. All they wanted from Me in return was to bask in My glory. I appreciated all the things they did for Me, and the money and gifts they would give Me. I found them very easy to control and manipulate if I so desired. In return, all I had to do was give them a little bit of My attention, and they were thrilled.
Over the years I have explored the deeper levels of being a Dominatrix and what being in control means, at all levels. I strive to be the best of the best at whatever I desire to do. And, I am. However, identifying Myself as a Mistress or a Dominatrix is only a part of the complex person I am, not the totality.
3. How do you express your Dominance? In other words, are you a pro, lifestyle, etc?
I am an unconventional lifestyle Mistress, marching to the beat of My own drum. I make My own rules, and cast off stereotypes of what it’s supposed to “mean” to be a “Domme”. I live the life most people only dream about living. I do what I want to do, when I want to do it. I answer to no one but Myself. I am highly selective about the men who serve Me real time. They are among the lucky few who get to be in My presence, and they know it and treat Me accordingly.
Nearly a decade ago I included online or distance training and email sessions to My Domination repertoire via the internet.
4. What are the differences between doing real time sessions and online/distance training sessions?
I’ve found the variety, speed, the need for discretion for My client subs and convenience of online Domination sessions to be very much to My liking. You cannot learn as much as I have learned doing phone Domination sessions in a lifetime of pro or real time sessions. You can’t meet the volume and diversity of men I have met either. I have very loyal and committed real time subs who serve Me well, but I tend to be predatory, always seeking the latest conquest. Online or distance training sessions are always changing depending on who I am in session with, keeping My interest level fresh. If one session doesn’t please Me, I only have to wait a short time, and there will be a better session/sub.
My real times subs get the privilege of interacting with Me by rubbing My feet, serving Me a drink, cleaning My house, doing My errands, taking Me shopping, traveling, and all the things an online or phone submissive is unable to do. My real time subs are fiercely loyal and devoted to pleasing Me. They constantly demonstrate their submission to Me and indulge Me financially in very generous ways
5. What is your opinion about men?
I love men. Men are My friends, My lovers and My servants. No, I don’t think all men are “losers”. Quite the contrary. I adore men. I like to like the men I Dominate. I prefer to surround Myself with smart, successful men, whether they be friend, lover or submissive. I also enjoy exploiting men, manipulating men, and using men.
6. What are the things you like and the things you dislike as a Mistress/Dominatrix?
Control. I have explored what control means My whole life. I understand it’s nuances better than anyone, bar none. I like being in control, being able to control men who have a lot of control in their daily lives. Controlling a lot of men worldwide.
Power. One can never have enough power, and having power over men is a way of life for Me. I feel comfortable Dominating some of the worlds most outwardly powerful men.
Total power exchange. Real power exchanges such as exploiting men financially and accumulating personal information gives Me real, tangible leverage. I deal in realism, real power exchange, not play pretend fantasy power.
What is there to dislike about being a Mistress? I can’t think of a single thing.
7. What kind of submissive man are you attracted to? Who are the men attracted to you?
This is an easy one. I like smart, intelligent, successful men, men who are ambitious and driven to succeed in their daily lives with a need to be submissive in private. Forward thinking, original, self made men, men with money and the desire to indulge a woman of My caliber. Men who have the ability to recognize My unique qualities and intelligence. Men with charisma, who make Me laugh, who inspire My mind, who can have interesting conversations outside of their personal interests in their own fetishes, men who have a genuine interest in Me and how to best please Me. Men who can think for themselves, who anticipate My needs, who strive to please Me in their own ways. Visionaries, corporate men, free thinkers… The list goes on.
The men who are attracted to Me tend to be exactly the kind of men I want to attract. I seek men I prefer to control and encourage those who fit My personal taste.
8. What do people get out of interacting with you?
The most powerful and rewarding form of Domination and control begins and ends in the mind and no one understands this like I do. No one. It’s easy to beat a man into submission, I’d rather inspire him to want to serve Me. I am curious about the men who are curious about Me. The Domme/sub dynamics are deeply explored with Me. I prefer long term interactions as those are more rewarding than the infrequent quickie session. The more a man gives, the more he gets. It’s My opinion that Domination should be a mutually enjoyable experience for both/all people involved. Sub men who show by action their sincere desire to please Me, get My sustained best in return. I will control you in all the ways you ever dreamed of.
10. What turns you on? What turns you off?
What turns Me on? Money. When a man gives Me a lot of money. The indisputable power exchange of money. I discovered My love for Financial Domination and financial exploitation long before it was called Financial Domination.
Blackmail. Having real power, control and leverage in a mans life. Making him do exactly as I please, or suffer real and tangible consequences.
Other times it can be that elusive Domme/sub chemistry two people have when they come together, or the way a sub responds to Me that I find arousing.
A few of the other things I enjoy in addition to Financial Domination and blackmail in no particular order: Mind fucking, mental manipulation, Female Supremacy, Cuckold, tease and denial, guided masturbation, total power exchange, addictions, exploitation, money slavery, pay piggies, Goddess worship, complete financial ruin, life control, Dominant life coach/GFE (girl friend experience), time constraints, servitude, bi/glory hole, erotic power exchange, FemDomme FemDom Fatale relationships, phychological torment and much, much more.
For a more comprehensive fetish list of the things I enjoy, see My website HERE.
What turns Me off? Men who talk about the fantasy of Financial Domination and blackmail. The completely self-centered, the self serving kinksters who show no interest in Me except as a vehicle to his orgasm. I’ll do sessions with them, as long as they are respectful enough, and compensating Me well for My expertise, but I won’t remember who they are the moment I hang up. In fact, the only submissive men who stay on My radar are those who are actively striving to please Me in the ways I outline on My website. The rest I simply forget the moment I hang up the phone except to see how much money I garnered from them.
I have the popularity and the ability to pick and choose among the very best to interact with. Those I don’t like or who disrespect Me, simply get blocked. It’s a privilege being in My world.
11. Do you have relationships with your submissive partners?
It depends on how you define a “relationship”. If you mean in the more conventional sense, as in being married to a submissive man or cuckold, the answer is no. I don’t “date” submissive men. I have alpha lovers who meet My sexual needs, and I Dominate My subs. As I am an authentic lifestyle FemDom I don’t have sex or sexual contact with My subs. However, I do have very deep, meaningful relationships with some of My subs in terms of emotional, financial and non-contact sexual ways.
12. Are you actively involved in the BDSM scene?
Do I attend BDSM social functions, munches or fetish gatherings? No. I find them boring, crass and pretentious. I feel the same way about a lot of different social gatherings, not just BDSM.
13. Anything else you’d like people to know that wasn’t covered already?
I don’t think most men are “losers”. While I can take control of a willing sub in an instant, I don’t expect every man to drop to his knees for Me the moment we connect. I am genuine and authentic, I do not act or play a role. I prefer My subs to be the same.
I rarely if ever pursue a man, men pursue Me. I know My value and worth as a Domina not because I proclaim it, but because 40,000+ men have both told Me and shown Me. Men indulge Me, a LOT of men indulge Me. If you want My attention, you must demonstrate and prove yourself. You have tough competition.
I am a leader among My own, top rated Mistress and ranked at the top of niteflirt, the most competitive phone sex Domination website with the highest level of competition to be found anywhere on the internet. I demonstrate My own personal power in very real and verifiable ways, therefor I expect to be treated accordingly.
How can submissive men interested in sessions with you, contact you?
I conduct phone distance training sessions and online paid email sessions via niteflirt under My name, Sabina Erotica and Mistress Sabina Erotica. Find My Main listing click HERE.
I have several websites, and a blog all which can be found on My main website at SabinaErotica.com.
Thank you Mistress Sabina Erotica for this insightful interview. You really are an incredible FemDom!