I Was Interviewed by a “Made To Be Bi” Website –

Exclusive Interview With Mistress Sabina Erotica

Today, we have the fortune (or is it my misfortune!? –stay tuned!) of speaking with a particularly provocative and ruthless Mistress.

Hello, made to be-bi, and love to be-bi victims. I appreciate being included on your website.

“Victims,” huh? Wow. I’m starting to worry about what I may have gotten into, here!

But, seriously, we appreciate having you with us.

First, to get a few preliminaries out of the way… What name do you go by?

Sabina Erotica.

It’s a name burned indelibly into a lot of psyches, I’m sure.

As you know, women who direct or preside over or otherwise involve themselves in this fetish have a wide array of qualifiers before their names. I’m thinking of things like “Brat,” “Domme,” “Princess,” Queen,” and so on. What’s your preference?

Mistress, God or Goddess.

Very cool. I think I stumbled on an advertisement of your where you refer to yourself as a “Predatrix.”

So… What drives you? Are you looking for fun? Is it role play? Social activism? Spiritualism?

Dominating men makes my day better.

Ha! Fair enough, okay.

And these men that you dominate… what do you call them? “Betas,” “Losers,” “Masochists,” “Slaves,” “Subs,” or something else?

All these words! It depends on the situation. Beta, gent, loser, slave, sub, pet, toy, fag, money pig, doormat, submissive man, good boi, cum dump, puppet, baby-batter catcher, etc.

I note the spelling of “boi” with an “i.” And “baby-batter catcher” is a new one by me! That paints quite an image! And “paints” is probably best understood as a double entendre – with some guy’s face as the canvass, and another guy’s cock as the paint brush.

What got you into the world of domination and fetishes, in general – and making bi in particular?

I’ve been enjoying my dominance since I was very young. Growing into a formidable force has been a pleasure for me, and a continual source of education. It has honed my skills like a razor blade. One that cuts. Deep.

You’re weaponized.

Why making them bi? Because putting an Alpha man’s cock in a sub’s ‘face-fuck hole’ is about the most submissive thing a man can do. And I like making men do submissive things.”

It’s up there! (No pun intended. Or maybe… one was intended.)

How long have you been at this?

Continuously online since 2006.

Okay. So…around 13 years and counting. That’s a fateful number, isn’t it?

Who doesn’t love making men drop like dominos?

I file my nails while making men do nasty, vile, disgusting things. Win-win!

“Nasty, vile, disgusting things”? Oh, boi! I can already tell that we’re going to have a fun chat!

Do you also have a “dungeon,” studio, or other space for face-to-face, in-person, or real-time meets?

Nope. It’s online only – phone and paid emails. I love the fast pace of phone sessions. It’s the best kind of education. You learn to slip inside a man’s head and fuck him ten ways to Sunday, in minutes.

Are you aiming to make money, or derive pleasure – or both?

Men must pay. Period. The kind of highly specialized experience I’ve gained from years of dominating and owning men via phone is priceless.

Ha! I see. But, you’ll try your best to attach to price to it anyway!

How much of your energy and time does this take up?

It energizes me. When my phone rings, I think: ‘Ahh…. My next casualty!’

I’m detecting a set of themes, here. “Casualty,” “victim,” “disgusting, nasty, vile things…” This is on the dark side.

Are you satisfied with this level of involvement?


Do you feel comfortable sharing anything else about yourself, on either personal or professional levels? E.g., How old are you? Are you in a relationship? (Conventional? Alternative/BDSM?) What is your sexual orientation? Etc.

I am highly skilled in the many ways to control men because I have a passion for it. Creating extraordinary mental and physical phone sessions is important for me. I am the predator, and beta men are my prey. I’m always hungry.

Submissive men beg to serve me – do anything for me. That kind of desire is a powerful tool. It’s an addiction that a man will never quit.

I am happily single, and every minute of every day is mine to do as I wish. Conventional marriage doesn’t interest me. I surround myself with as many attractive, interesting, intellectual and hung-like-a-horse men as I please.

Being privy to the things a man would never share with his wife, his best buddy, or anyone else, is like being in the ‘inner, inner’ circle of the ‘Boys’ Club.’  Things men would never admit to anyone else. The ‘secrets of secrets.’ I am pleased knowing men in this way. The dark inner world, the truth of what a man is at his sexual core. I find it fascinating.

One more aspect of doing phone domination sessions is being able to talk to a huge variety of men, from all over the world. Bonus: I always have a select group of regulars that I genuinely enjoy.

Thank you!

Let’s dive a bit further into the ‘Make them-Bi’ fetish. Just looking at the term, there’s “force” and “bisexuality.” Do you think that true “bisexuality” – where a person is more of less equally attracted to females and males (but see a further question about problems with so-called “binarism”) – is possible?

‘Binarism’? Huh? I Don’t Care! All I care about is if the sub follows my orders. What do his attractions or desires have to do with anything?

A very practical approach. So, how do you think of all this stuff? As a game? A lifestyle? A hobby?

A huge power trip and mind fuck, and a sign of complete submission to me. A trap as well.

A trap? As in… you enjoy getting guys hooked on gay sex? Put a pin in that for a second, we’ll come back to it.

Do you think of yourself as giving permission to men who are already inherently or latently gay? Or do you think of it as really changing a guy’s orientation? Or something else?

If a man is already gay, why does he need me to force him to suck cock?

I prefer forcing straight men to suck dick – bi-curious men. Making men weak enough to do anything I tell them to do, and showing them that having big, mushroom-headed cocks down their throats while they are on their knees is exactly where they need to be.

“I license the expression of a subbies repressed ‘gaiety,’ so to say. I just call it ‘made to be bi’ so that the guys don’t freak out on me. It’s disarming.

Some men are afraid of being ‘gay.’ I lie and tell them I know a lot of cocksuckers that are not gay. A cock sucker is a cock sucker.

You have a facility with words, no mistake.

In practice, “made to be bi” seems most often to apply to men being somehow impelled to perform sexually (or to imagine performing sexually) with other men. However, in theory, it seems that it could apply to other things – for example, to women being impelled to perform sexually with other women – as well. Do you see it primarily in terms of male submission, male and female submission, both, or neither?

It Mostly Pertains to Male Submission. It’s that pesky testosterone hormone that drives men to do all kinds of bizarre sexual things.

Ha! Guilty!

Now the other core idea in the fetish, besides “bisexuality,” is this notion of being made. As a legal disclaimer, of course, I should state that we do not advocate, condone, endorse, recommend, or otherwise suggest any behavior that would violate the law. If we’re probing the range of possible meanings for the sort of consensual in view, what would you say about it? Is it coercion, manipulation, persuasion? What’s going on?

All of these!

Sometimes, it’s coercion. It can also involve commands. It’s about power; the sub does what I tell him to – period. It can be enticement or inducement where the guys do it for my attention or where I tempt the guy into bisexual or gay situations – and lure him to his doom.

It can be like cheer leading and encouragement. It can be more like instruction: I am a teacher; the guy comes to me to learn. The class? Cock Sucking 101.

Or it can be persuasion. I am very convincing!

I can provoke. I goad the guy. Work him up to the edge and then, if necessary, give a huge push.

I can also seduce. The guys are attracted to me. I redirect this attraction away from sex with me and onto doing things for me like plunging cock in his face.

Is it possible for a guy to be a “switch” or “versatile”? (That is, to be able to take on the role of either bottom or top with more or less equal ability, if not enthusiasm.)

I never met a ‘switch’ that was a true switch. Every ‘switch’ is submissive at his core (some try hard to appear to be ‘masculine’ so they don’t feel like a little bitch.

Some women profess to enjoy guy-on-guy sex. Straight women sometimes liken their enjoyment to that expressed by straight men who like witnessing two women together sexually. And in the case of two women, it is reasonable to think that participants are not always lesbians or even bisexual. They could just be “attention whores.” Other women might just like viewing gay spectacles. And a few, more dominant types perhaps, seem to find the gender-bending and role-reversal aspects appealing. Do any of these resonate with you?

I enjoy the spectacle. It’s like looking at a car crash, a train wreck, or watching a guy get busted jacking off to some embarrassing porn.

A few women claim to want to date bisexual guys, participate in threesomes with them, etc. Others seem to think that once a guy tries guy-on-guy sex, he’s less desirable to women). This may be a difference of opinion between more dominant and more submissive women. What do you think?

There is no way a submissive man is ever going to do anything remotely sexual with me. Bi or otherwise. Once I deem you submissive, you are my bitch ass-kisser for life.

Is the made up-bi fetish “healthy” or “unhealthy”? (I mean, is it positive and helpful for a male sub’s flourishing, or is it negative and unhelpful?)

It’s healthy. I want my subs to fulfill their cock-whore destinies. I’m really freeing them and doing them a favor.

Ha! Thank you, Predatrix!

I love being involved with a dick hound’s ‘first’ cock-mouth-meat experience. They never forget their first time!

Is there anything you think is unhealthy about the fetish?

Unhealthy? Seriously? It’s only unhealthy if the submissive needs to throat-wrestle cock but doesn’t.

If he doesn’t, eventually his balls shrink into nothing, and his own penis will become an ‘innie’ and crawl back inside of him.

That’s what I heard. It just might be true.

Oh my god! Well… we can’t have that!! So, you really are performing a valuable service to mankind!

Do you think of any of this is religious or spiritual terms?

Yes, I derive power from making someone Bi or from getting guys to subject themselves to this. They want it. Some are too pussy to do it themselves.

Nowadays, some people are opposed to the use of so-called “binary language” – e.g., thinking in terms of “feminine” versus “masculine,” etc. – when it comes to John Money’s concept of “gender” and sexuality. But made bi, arguably, has a kind of “bi-narism” built into its name. Do you see this as a problem for the “made-bi” fetish?

I don’t care.

Okay, then! Moving on…

What homosexual-related activities do you most enjoy ordering or watching?

Everything. cock sucking and oral sex; cum eating; anal, penetrative sex; creampies and internal cumshots; rimming assholes and tongue-fucking rectums.

In short: Making a subbie the best cocksucker he can be.

Bonus: Alphas will continue to text him for blow jobs if he is really good.

Oh? And that sort of seals the sub’s fate, so to speak?

Which do you prefer, having guys in dedicated roles, or having both guys being plastic enough to perform in any role I want?

I prefer having one (or many) dedicated bottom/passive partners (the beta, bitch, catcher, cocksucker, or cum rag; etc.) and one (or more) dedicated top/active partners (the alpha, cum donor, pitcher, stud, spunk slinger or stunt cock; etc.)

Let me be clear: This pertains to the men engaging in bi activities themselves, not including me.

Do you think that an “alpha” can put his cock into a beta’s mouth or ass and still be an alpha afterwards?

Yes; the alpha is still an alpha. The beta is simply being used to jack off the alpha’s dick, much like many guys jerk off into tissues or Kleenex (or the whimsical sock). If you jack off into your right fist, does your left fist become gay if you switch hands? Or is your dominant hand still your dominant hand?

Are you aroused by being made to be bi, or just amused by it?

I’m both (occasionally) aroused and always amused.

Do you think that a guy can “just try” sucking cock or getting assfucked and then quit?

Nope! Once he sucks jizz – or takes cock in his mangina – he’ll be a cock whore thereafter. Once you go cock, you never go jock.

So…is this all fantasy-chat for you? Or do you want guys to get down and dirty in reality?

I encourage (coerce, force, seduce, tease and even use information against them to make it happen ). I make beta pets have real, in-the-flesh encounters with other males.

Phone might be the gateway; but I will make them suck that juicy tubesteak.

For real. Wow. Is it getting warm in here?

How “involved” do you like to be? I mean… you issue the instruction and just take his word that he carried it out? You want to see photos? You want to watch live via webcam?

I want to see photographic evidence. I demand proof that they go through with whatever I told them to do.

Better, I want to be on his phone – set to speaker – so I can both hear him gag on prime meat, and tell him what a good cock sucker he is. ‘Chaperone by phone to suck bone.’

What is your biggest focus/turn on?

Honestly, it’s all about my power. I get off on my ability to get a guy to do extreme things.

What sexual acts, if any, really charge your batteries? Do you prefer cocksuckers, cumdumps, tops?

I enjoy it all! No preference, really. I just like pairing up males and letting the ball snot fly.

“Ball snot”? Wow… that’s deliciously repulsive.

Okay… on Limits, we… do you have any?

I have a few limits; my subs do what I tell them.

How do you feel about guys having gay sex without condoms (i.e., “barebacking”)? Against it? For it? No preference?

I’m between ‘prefer’ and ‘insist.’ I prefer that the guys bareback. If they insist on condoms, I’ll tolerate it. But I will talk them out of it.

Barebacking is hotter. Stranger sex is intense. Stranger barebacking is the epitome of sluttiness.

How else is a cock slut going to feel that alpha cock explode in his pussy, and have that spunk dribbling out of his ass the rest of the day unless he takes it bareback?

I mean… fair point!

Okay, let’s say something about STD risk. We’ve talked limits and barebacking. So, some Mistresses insist on safety because Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) in a sub are completely undesirable. Others don’t care either way. Some even profess to find it a turn on to see a guy engage in risky gay sex. How do you feel about STDs and STD risk?

I don’t care either way.

Do you think of it at all in terms of your enticement of guys into “high-risk behavior”?

I make men do a lot of risky things, but when it comes to risky sex, let me put it this way: I have several beta bois who really get off when I tell them I am going to gangbang them bareback with nothing but HIV/AIDS infected homosexuals so they will get AIDS. You should hear how they scream when they cum.  It’s not a scream of terror either.

Good lord!

How do you feel about married men?

I prefer married men. I like defiling marriages and ruining relationships.

I tell married men to suck cock at a glory hole, then rush home so they can tongue-kiss their wives and tell them how much they love them. Seriously. I get off on that shit.

I’m having, um… a hard time staying focused on the interview questions.

How do you feel about guys really getting addicted to gay sex?

Oh. I aim to get guys hooked on dick. If I’m able, I want to turn a guy into a mindless cock-bot.

Do you have any other fetishes or activities that you like to participate in, direct, or instruct? (E.g., “Blackmail,” CBT, Cum-Eating; Pegging/Strapon, Etc.)

Other fetishes and activities I also love to do? How much time do you have?!

Ha! You sound like a ball of demonic fun!

Subbies seek me out primarily for blackmail and financial play. However, I enjoy soooo much more.

Mind fuck, mind fuck, mind fuck! That is the basis for every good domination/control session. Mind fuck.

Dominating men who have power in their daily lives (CEOs, doctors, lawyers, politicos, high-profile, etc., etc.) and treating them like any other slave. Believe me, I don’t care who you are or how ‘famous’ you are. You are my little ass-bitch when you are with me.

Some other favorite things is making a sub’s wife suffer without her knowing it, encouraging addictions, home wrecking, made to masturbate (pro/con), chastity, body worship, encouraging infatuations pets develop for me (unrequited love in return), financial domination and or ‘findom’ counseling, kink counseling, making you better by making you worse, cuckolding, confessions, strap-on, regular butt-plug and dildo play, clothed female naked male (CFNM), total power exchange (TPE),  intox, race play, fetishes like feet, boots, etc., reverse psychology, assigning tasks that mind fuck, ruined orgasms, public humiliation, blindfolds, piercings, homelessness, psychodrama, emotional agony … And the list goes on. And on.

Good grief! Your list really does go on and on! Like the roster of ruined lives?

Okay, so…

How can fans and other interested persons check out your work? Do you have any social media accounts or websites to share?

Website: SabinaErotica.com

On niteflirt.com under my name ‘Sabina Erotica’ (where you can contact me for phone or paid mail sessions).

For example: https://www.niteflirt.com/listings/show/6863402–SNAP-KILLER-CONTROL-HOT-SEXY-DANGEROUS

Blog: http://sabinaerotica.com/blog/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/SabinaErotica

Somewhere on Tumblr and a few other places I forget where.


I need a cold shower!

Thank you SO much for being with us today, Mistress Sabina Erotica!

Thank you for the opportunity to discuss this hot kinky topic!

The pleasure’s mine, I assure you!

(Note: All images displayed in this post are Copyright 2019 Mistress Sabina Erotica. They are reproduced here with permission from the copyright holder.)

(I am unable to link the website to my blog, as it would be against niteflirt compliance rules).

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Niteflirt s TOP rated Dominatrix Mistress and Financial Domination FemDom. 50,000 perfect 5 star ratings. Be the next to join My FemDom empire and be a part of My world. Sabina Erotica.
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